Two of my new pirate bashes!
Tips on How To Be Speakin' Pirate-Like:
• Double up on all your adjectives and you'll be bountifully bombastic with your phrasing. Pirates never speak of "a big ship", they call it a "great, grand ship!" They never say never, they say "No nay ne'er!"
• Drop all your "g"'s when you speak and you'll get words like "rowin'", "sailin'" and "fightin'". Dropping all of your "v"'s will get you words like "ne'er", "e'er" and "o'er".
• Instead of saying "I am", sailors say, "I be". Instead of saying "You are", sailors say, "You be". Instead of saying, "They are", sailors say, "They be". Ne'er speak in anythin' but the present tense!
On another note... I finally gave in to makin a golden Crusader King, since I just realize tat missin gold crown has always been easily available for $5, so i pick up the 5815 Unicorn & Dragon Knight:

Check back for more pictures soon...
An addition to my Playmobil Roman line,
5838 Gladiators & Tiger:

These guys are damn cute!
All my Gladiators (4653, 5817, 5838)

Gladiators (Latin: gladiatores, "swordsmen" or "one who uses a sword," from gladius, "sword") were professional fighters in ancient Rome who fought against each other, wild animals, and condemned criminals, often to the death, for the entertainment of spectators. The origin of the gladiatorial games is not known for certain. These fights took place in arenas in many cities from the Roman Republic period through the Roman Empire.
Never found credit card rewards points useful until now... I only had to top up $7 for the pirate set after getting a $40 offset :) Real happy since I have always felt this set is way over priced @ TRU
4292 Pirate Gang and Treasure:

& finally got this over @ ATZ with cash, another over priced set IMO,
4130 Western Superset: