CBT (Very Hot) Tyncorp PMC set:
My 1st VH set, & I was pretty please with wat I got!
I luv the smell of the paint! cant stop smellin it
Decent job of the vest set, which is the highlight of tis set.
Stiching is ok with room for improvement tho.
Vest & belt has velcro on rubber backing,
I found tat they only made the whole vest thicker.
There is a fair bit of details inside the vest,
but none will be seen once it is on the figure.
Luv the 2 water carrier on the back!
Rest of the gear is decent to average,
the boots being the throw away item,
why didnt VH included the lace up ones from their last release?
You get 4 extra mag clips for 2x M4 mag pouches tat will hold
8 clips. Enuff M203 rounds to fill up all the loops!
Overall the velcro used in this whole set is to thick.
Helmet strap needs a total redo!
No "real" pistol holster!
I like the cutting & patterns of the pants,
a lot of details vs the "unknown" brand tat i have.
I prefer the colour of VH vs the "unknown" brand, (see picts below)
tho it would have been perfect if it was more of a tan shade.
I guess tat will be easily fixed with a tan/buff paint wash!
Ironman Cosbaby:
Got the 3 masked Ironman, hope to display them along side the HT 12",
so finger cross for HT to produce Ironman MK1
Revoltech Yotsuba Summer Vacation Set:
She is too cute to miss & my muffin wanted it too!
... &
Star Wars Legacy Collection Millennium Falcon:
30% percent larger than the old one, so I left it at the shop,
will carry it back later tis week!
you are buying toys like TED!
thanks for the PMC review.
I am not worthy to be compared to TED, he is light-years ahead! he was born an otaku, we are just wannabe's
bow down padawan !!!
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